Smart contracts ๐Ÿ“œ

EmiSwap smart contracts have been verified by Haัken Cybersecurity Services

EmiSwap smart contracts have been verified by Haัken Cybersecurity Services, the leading security audit firm, and all innovative developments require absolute security.

With Mythril and Slither, the Hacken team conducted code functionality analysis, manual auditing, and automated checks. All problems discovered during automated analysis were checked thoroughly, and key issues are highlighted in the Audit overview section.

Hacken was founded in 2017 by security specialists and hackers to deliver cybersecurity solutions to companies and individuals, making histories of success. The platform has about 450 successful cases of providing its services to businesses. Its state-of-the-art services include identifying and managing security vulnerabilities by analyzing the functionality of smart contracts.

Smart Contract Audit ไธ€ PDF

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